Dear viewer,
I’m chow. I’m just big nerd that loves to draw. I started doing conventions in 2012~2014, but took a break from drawing, manga, anime, being an obsessive fan about things… everything I loved basically… to climb the corporate ladder for several years. I got to a management level role, led a team, and decided that life is too short for me to agonize over someone else’s performance. After getting a bad case of COVID in 2023 I decided I needed to touch grass and invest in my hobbies again. I stepped back from management and now draw whenever I can :) Currently, I’m working on a web comic called “Salary Cat”. You’ll see him as a focus in a lot of my original art and in my booth design! I hope to share some of the humor of the ridiculousness of the corporate world with you, and that you find some joy in this little guy’s struggles.
love, chow